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Character Education

Character Education

2018 – 19

Wellness for Life, District Wide: $66,222:  The goal of these grants is to create healthy, happy, resilient, engaged and motivated learners and to give our children life-long emotional and social skills to help them succeed at school and future endeavors. Through the continued partnership with Stanford University’s Challenge Success program and other leading experts, this grant funds professional development for faculty and community resources for parents, as well as the following programs at each school:

Coman Hill* – Assemblies and workshops to assist children in developing emotional and social skills that will help them react, act and interact more mindfully.

HCC* - A program utilizing Student Voice Circles dedicated to shaping an emotionally healthy school climate.

BHHS – Continued partnership with Stanford University to provide professional development for teachers and parent education workshops, and to design and implement policies and practices that improve student well-being, academic engagement and success. 

*Supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.



2017 – 18

Wellness Initiative: $180,886:  This grant provides opportunities for all students to reach their highest potential as they grow academically, socially and emotionally in all four schools, including:

  • Coman Hill - an indoor Educational Playspace to be used year-round to enhance skills such as collaboration, creativity and problem solving.

  • Wampus - an outdoor Obstacle Course to provide an innovative and fun way for students to boost their physical and mental health.

  • HCC and BHHS - the Challenge Success program by Stanford University will assess student needs then utilize this feedback to develop an action plan to support students' emotional and physical wellness, including a new Wellness Lounge at each school where students can decompress, reflect and re-center themselves. Generously co-funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund


Wellness Day Keynote Speaker, BHHS: $2,500:  This grant funds the BHHS Wellness Day keynote speaker presentation by Shaun Derik inspires students to achieve their goals and to pursue their dreams by proactively working through obstacles and setbacks. This grant is generously supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.



2016 - 17

Student Voice Circles: A Leadership and Facilitation Model for Student Learners, BHHS: $2,500:  This grant funds a leadership training program to promote cultural diversity and global competence among Sophomore and Junior members of the Student Leadership Board. Students and teachers will receive training on Student Voice Circles – a school leadership and improvement model based on inclusion and equity. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.



2015 – 16

Buddy Bench, Coman Hill: $1,853:  This grant funds a designated seating area on the playground as a safe and encouraging place for children to go when they feel alone or are having difficulty fitting in. Students will learn strategies and techniques whether they are seeking a buddy or if they want to make a positive difference by being a buddy. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.

Bobcat Buddies (Coman Hill: $1,847). This grant funds imaginative play and sensory integration materials, board games, and craft supplies to be used throughout the Bobcat Buddy program at Coman Hill which helps develop social, communication and interpersonal skills among students within and outside the classroom setting. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Everyone Matters Book Bank!, Coman Hill: $2,348:  This grant funds a set of grade-level library books to support the Everyone Matters campaign which advocates for every person’s right to dignity and respect, without judgment or shame. The books will be utilized for real aloud and small group lessons in support of the Everyone Matters initiative at Coman Hill when students have the opportunity to share something unique and special about themselves. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.




Wampus Peaceful Playground: $21,516:  This type of playground provides resources that enhance the Wampus playground and provide a better recess experience for students. The design is geared for students in grades 3-5. The program is intended to maximize the number of students involved in physical activities, rather than have them wait on line to use equipment or just stand and watch others. The program provides for several different games on a blacktop utilizing balls, beanbags, and other items, which promotes physical exercise to minimize safety hazards. Nearly 100 activities can be done with the program. Its customized design allows students to grow physically, emotionally, and socially. Such activities include learning how to resolve daily conflicts through cooperative play, and preparing students for leadership roles. Games will be explained and rolled out to each grade during their physical education periods to familiarize each student with the different games available to them. This grant is jointly funded by the Byram Hills Education Foundation and the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Ryan’s Story (Insta-Grant): $2,500:  This grant funds two student assemblies that address  bullying, cyber-bullying and teen suicide prevention. Ryan’s father, John Halligan, tells the story of Ryan’s life including instances when he was cyber-bullied. The presentation stresses four main components: forgiveness, knowing that someone cares and loves you, standing up for what is right or being a bystander and asking for help. This grant funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.

Maker’s Club Pilot (Insta-Grant): $2,500:  This grant funds a new elective program for second grade students to participate in a creative and hands-on environment during lunch period. The program gives students the opportunity to create, invent and design projects by having an objective each week and working to carry out their plan. 

Dance / Theater / Arts
Science / Math

Dance / Theatre / Arts

2018 - 19

Teaching for Artistic Behavior Summer Institute, BHHSL: $2,500: This grant funds professional development to acquire plans, tools and strategies to implement a choice-based art curriculum. Choice-based art education, and Teaching for Artistic Behavior are new ideas that are revolutionizing art education, enabling students to act and be treated as artists who direct their own learning and independently choose and explore art ideas.


Creating a Professional Photography Studio, BHHS: $18,863: This grant restructures and equips the BHHS photography room with a professional photography studio including lighting and backdrop equipment, as well as tripods and DSLR cameras.  Students will have the experience of working in a professional studio setting while learning proper lighting techniques to make them better photographers and artist, acquiring real-life applications and skills which can be used for further exploration in college programs as well as job opportunities. Generously co-funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Creative Arts Community Center, Wampus, $76,826: This grant creates an indoor and outdoor community space at Wampus that can be utilized by all grade levels, connecting two contemporary art studios to an outdoor space that will support student learning. This grant enhances the quality of the educational environment for students - the outdoor space will serve as a classroom - and encourages community at all grade levels. The art spaces encourage students’ passions and interests and support a re-definition of the art programs for elementary students. The art spaces also serve as the heart of the building for other classes to showcase their work for the school community.



2016 - 17

Stage Monitoring System, BHHS: $1,410:  This grant funds equipment necessary to complete two Assistant Stage Manager Stations and a back stage monitor, modeled after a professional stage monitoring system. The system allows for better management of the stage space and provides an experience more like that of a professional theatre. The system would be used for the three theatre productions each year as well as for the many band, orchestra and choir concerts and other events hosted in the auditorium. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Potterbot 3D Ceramic Printer: BHHS $2,500:  This ceramic printer allows art students to use CAD software to design unique and reproducible forms and to create more complex forms than typical hand building and wheel forming processes allow. This printer lays “ribbons” of clay quickly and precisely so resulting art piece can be altered in any way using traditional claywork methods or left intact for firing. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Resident Artists Music Instruction: $19,800:  This grant provides small group instruction to grades 6, 7, and 8 chorus and orchestra students. A visiting artist works with students during their music ensemble period twice a week. The chorus ensembles are quite large in all three grades and this grant provides students to opportunity to receive small group instruction to improve and support students’ needs. With nearly 100% of HCC students participating in the music ensemble program, this grant supports higher achievement among students and lays the groundwork for continued participation at BHHS in Concert, Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Symphony.



2015 – 16

Music Production Studio Start-Up, BHHS: $2,348:  This grant funds one (1) MacBook Pro laptop and music software for the Electronic Music and Guitar Workshop elective, providing industry standard recording technologies and tools for students to compose, edit and mix high quality music or sound. 


Discovery through Performance with The Hudson Valley Shakespeare Co., HCC: $1,925:  This grant funds a performance and workshop of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream by The Hudson Valley Shakespeare Company for all eighth grade students. Students and actors will work in small groups to study accents, staging, costumes, swordplay, and modern screenwriting techniques. Following the workshop the students will create their own modernized performance for the HCC community.




MacBook Pro Laptops to Modernize the Photography Curriculum, BHHS: $42,024:  This grant provides MacBook Pro Laptops, printer and related accessories for storage and charging for the Byram Hills High School photography department to complement and enhance students’ knowledge and use of basic photography. With this grant, each class of eighteen (18) students in Basic, Advanced and AP Photography will have the opportunity to learn advanced digital photography skills, including Photoshop editing. These computers allow for the expansion and restructuring of the photography curriculum to include up to 50% of instruction in digital media, allowing students to submit a digital 2-D design portfolio at the college level.

ETC Source Four PAR Cans (Insta-Grant): $2,156:  This grant funds a bank of parabolic aluminized reflector (PAR) can theatrical lights to be installed in the BHHS theater. When developing lighting plans, students will gel and focus this equipment to be used for many District events, including BHHS theater productions, concerts, Science Symposium, PTSA events, and more. This grant is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 



Green Screen Techniques in the Classroom (Insta-Grant): $2,439:  This grant funds the acquisition of two green screen backdrops and the necessary studio lighting to create special effects. The screens can be used both in the film classroom and on-location. Green screen technology enables students to use more sophisticated means to tell and express their stories visually.


H.C.C. Band Student Conductors (Insta-Grant): $2,500:  This grant brings professional Band directors and music conductors to conduct workshops with HCC Band students about conducting techniques. College students will accompany the music directors and also share their experiences with the HCC students.


A Cappella Singing (Insta-Grant): $1,000:  This grant funds a performance and workshop for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students by the New York University a cappella group Ani V’ata. The program introduces students to new and innovative ways to approach and perform music. 


Mackie Digital Sound Mixer (Insta-Grant): $1,799:  This grant funds a digital sound mixer for balancing and limiting sound for theatrical and concert events using a new industry standard mixing system. This grant is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.




SmartMusic®: $34,854:  SmartMusic® is music education software that provides students and teachers with access to thousands of band, orchestra and vocal pieces, allowing students to practice with background accompaniment and hear immediate feedback on their performance.  SmartMusic fosters improved musicianship while making practicing more fun and tracking individual student progress more easily.  This grant serves over 1,000 Byram Hills student musicians by encouraging students of every level to rehearse at home with digital assistance, evaluate and record daily practice and share progress with their teachers via email. The use of this software is only possible with the granting of BHEF Fast Pat


Dr. McRoy Leads the Band! (Insta-Grant): $2,200:  Dr. James McRoy, Professor of Music and Department Chair at CW Post University will work in a clinic setting with all grade 6, 7 and 8 band students.  Dr. McRoy will first have CW Post music students work with HCC band students in small groups.  He will then conduct and critique all musicians in a full rehearsal.  All HCC band students will receive direct feedback of their performance in both small and large groups which will provide students with strategies to improve their playing.


Bebop Cello (Insta-Grant): $1,975:  Gideon Freudmann, cello innovator, has created his own style of music called CelloBop which is a fusion of blues, jazz, rock, folk and more. This grant brings Mr. Freudmann to do a one day workshop with all of the orchestra students where he will do a short presentation, and then introduce some improvisation ideas for students. He will give students ideas for playing with contemporary music and will demonstrate playing with loops and electric instruments.



Coman Hill
Walls That Teach:  This grant brings a dynamic, creative and totally “hands-on” element to Coman Hill, enabling students to beautify their school hallways. Students from each classroom will work with a professional artist to brainstorm ideas and participate in the design and painting of curriculum-based murals which will adorn the school hallways. The goal is to foster a sense of collaboration and community among all students, generate excitement and school pride, while creating beautiful, lasting works of art - $9,711

Musical Theatre A – Z:  This grant provides a yearlong musical theater project for the entire 4th grade at Wampus. The funds will provide materials for creating sets, original “home-made” lighting instruments and costuming, while introducing students to new technologies like digital cameras, sound systems and editing software. This is an exciting, cross-curricular, collaborative, hands-on learning experience - $5,5135

Byram Hills High School
Production-Quality Digital HD Monitor:  This grant provides a production scale, 65” digital HD television monitor for the high school. This new TV monitor will replace a smaller, 10-year old monitor and will complement the other high-end audio-visual software and equipment used by the visual arts department. All film students in the high school will benefit greatly from the addition of this new, larger HD model, as it will enhance their study of film in an authentic viewing environment - $3,361



Byram Hills HS
Digital Art Exhibit:  Flat screen monitors for displaying student artwork - $16,510

Digital Flat Art Scanners and Large-Format Giclee Printers:  Equipment for high quality scanning and printing - $16,684 



HC Crittenden
Let’s Compose Our Own H.C.C. School Song:  This grant provides $8,200 for the creation of a school song for the H. C. Crittenden Middle School. A musician and professional composer will work with the band, chorus, and orchestra students to compose a school song.

Byram Hills High School
Advanced Multi-Media Equipment for the High School Theatre:  The High School Theatre will be upgraded with equipment that is able to support multi-media and technology presentations for student assemblies, staff development and PTSA programs. Upgrades include: a computer, projector, large presentation-quality screen and a new sound system: $86,479



Guidance / Special Education


Multi-Sensory Tools for the Diverse Learner, Coman Hill, $947:  This grant provides materials for learners having special needs with the tools they need to access the curriculum using a multi-sensory approach. Students benefit from visual tools, physical supports to help them stay focused, sensory tools to help them remain calm and attentive, and assistive technology to help them reach their highest potential. 



2015 – 16

Noise Canceling Headphones, BHHS: $275:  This grant funds five (5) Earmuff/Noise Cancelling headphones and ten (10) Hygiene Kits for the headphones for students in the Flexible Support Program (FSP). The noise cancelling headphones will assist students by reducing distractions, allowing better focus on educational activities.




Art Therapy for Flexible Support Program Students (Insta-Grant): $2,365  This grant funds an art therapy program to foster the social and emotional development and overall performance within the school environment. The program promotes self-awareness, confidence and self-advocacy, helping students better express themselves and flourish in the school environment. This grant is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 



Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Children Adolescents at Coman Hill ($1,890) and Wampus: ($1,890) (Insta-Grant): $3,780:  To help students struggling with anxiety or depression, this grant funds a three-day workshop on Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for a school psychologist to learn tools and treatment plans for delivering CBT interventions to children. The Coman Hill grant is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.



HC Crittenden
E-Readers:  This grant provides funding to purchase multiple E-Readers (such as Kindles) for the 7th grade Special Education students. This will greatly benefit those students struggling with reading by making it easier for them to access books; improve note-taking strategies and aid in decoding and comprehension for the required reading assignments. With their high-tech component, E-Readers will also add to students’ enjoyment of reading as a life-long skill - $7,039




Social Skills Development:  This grant supports a program focused on improving problem-solving skills for Special Education students who have been identified as having deficits in social and emotional functioning. The grant provides books, videos, games and other materials for psychologists to use in supplementing the Second Step curriculum already in use. The materials from this grant will enhance direct instruction of student empathy, emotional regulation skills, and social problem skills - $5,553



Coman Hill

Making Social Skills Real and Meaningful for Students:  Computer software to strengthen social skills - $3,821 





Design and Create for 21st Century Learning, HCC: $2,300: This grant funds materials for the HCC Library makerspace to support creative design and expression by any and all students and teachers at HCC. The grant includes cubelets, modular robotics and a Button Making machines and accessories, affording students the opportunity to explore, design and create using physical and tangible thing that extend their learning. Generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Mindful Learning, Coman Hill, $1,235: This grant provides Kindergarten students flexible seating choices, allowing children to wobble, bounce, rock, kneel or stand which increases oxygen flow to the brain, blood flow and core strength. It also helps young minds be more alert and focused and creates a classroom environment that is conducive to open collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 


Wiggle While You Work, Coman Hill, $2,437: This grant allows Second Grade students to differentiate their learning environment, enabling students to fully engage in and access the curriculum in a way that best meets individual learning needs. Students will identify their personal learning style and what works best to maximize their learning experience and produce quality work. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 




Howling and Learning about Wolves, Wampus, $2,390:  This grants supports the study of interdependence, a topic that is an integral part of the third grade and art curriculum, by funding a visit to the Wolf Conservation Center in Salem, NY where students observe and study wolves, their relationship with the environment and the human role in protecting their future. 



2016 - 17

Professional Development for Global Competency Initiative, BHHS, $32,430:  This grant creates a learning community to stimulate and support curriculum development that promotes interdisciplinary global competency. This grant includes a service-learning component that provides a hands-on, authentic learning environment for students that better prepares them for the 21st Century skills needed to be a productive citizen. In the long-term this grant can serve as a model for a professional learning community and help develop a systematic, turnkey approach to the Global Competency Initiative that can be extended to other schools within the District.


Bringing Nature to Life through the Bruce Museum of Art, Wampus, $905:  This program brings museum objects and live animals to eight third grade classrooms. The program engages students in an interactive, object and inquiry based learning experience that incorporates both science and art in the classroom setting.


Library 2.0, Coman Hill, Wampus and H.C. Crittenden Middle School: $313,000:  The Library 2.0 grant transforms the library experience for all students at Coman Hill, Wampus and H.C. Crittenden. This exciting directed giving grant extends recent 21st Century learning grants and captures the power of media, technology and learning spaces. This grant integrates STEAM and Makers Spaces, updates presentation technology, utilizes active learning spaces, and connects the library and computer labs.



Physical Education


Physioballs, BHHS: $1,200:  This grant allows students to experience ‘active sitting’ which encourages students to stay alert while reducing fatigue throughout the day. This grant is generously supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.



2016 - 17

Enhanced Technology in Dance Studio, BHHS: $2,455:  This grant lets the Physical Education Department enhance technology in the dance studio by wiring new components to the existing flat screen TV. Teachers and coaches will be able to provide new and creative ways to present material effectively and efficiently using programs and applications that they are currently unable to present in the dance studio. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


GAGA Ball, Wampus: $2,495:  This grant funds construction of a GAGA Dodge Ball Pit for the Wampus playground for use during recess, FUEL and PE. GAGA enables students to develop strategic thinking along with agility, jumping, striking and dodging as part of this fun and interactive activity.



2015 – 16

Technology for Physical Education, BHHS: $2,000:  The BHEF is pleased to partner with the Bobcat Boosters to fund this media system for the Physical Education department. This technology, including flat screen TV and state of the art media equipment, will support various health education programs and CPR instruction for all grade levels. This grant is generously supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.




Fishing Elective (Insta-Grant) $2,065: This new elective will be part of the Physical Education Curriculum that aligns with the district initiative to reduce stress among students. Fishing has been proven to be a great tool to relieve stress and is a lifetime activity that will remain with the students well past graduation. Students will go fishing four (4) times at nearby locations. In-class instruction will include knot tying, casting, applying for a fishing license, etc.



Wellness for Life:  This grant funds equipment to replace outdated exercise machines in the BHHS Wellness Center which is used by all high school students who participate in physical education classes and approximately 1,300 athletes. This grant provides new, safe equipment for the Wellness Center which was refurbished ten years ago in part with a grant from the BHEF - $9,046


Fun CPR Instruction:  This grant introduces approximately 1,500 students in grades one through eight to the cognitive information and skills necessary to perform this vital, life saving skill. The instruction will take place through the physical education department and will be conducted by certified instructors from Fun CPR Training® - $1,600



Table Tennis:  This grant provides $4,254 for the purchase of eleven table tennis tables (and paddles and balls) to enable table tennis to be added as a unit in regular physical education. 



Reading / Writing


Storyworks Reading, Wampus, $1,399 and $1,468:  These two grants support second and third grade students in reaching a higher rate of literacy achievement and engagement using a variety of resources during Reading and Writing workshops.



2015 – 16

Fun with Phonics, Coman Hill: $1,371:  This grant provides Kindergarten students in the Academic Support program with additional learning opportunities through play with collaborative games and activities, fostering skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and mastery of basic early literacy. 



eBooks for Byram Hills Libraries: $45,000:  
This grant funds the acquisition of a starter collection of Common Core and curriculum-aligned eBooks for all four school libraries.  These eBooks are accessible through the BHEF-funded Byram Hills BobCat-alogfor check-out by students from home, in school, or on the move.  The books may be read online on any computer, netbook or laptop, or they may be downloaded to some other mobile reading devices.  eBook collections provide 24/7 access to valuable curriculum resources for all Byram Hills students in unlimited quantity.  eBooks for H.C. Crittenden is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Author Visit by Robert Lipsyte (Insta-Grant): $1,250:  With so much enthusiasm among students for The Contender by Robert Lipsyte, HCC language arts teachers will invite this author to visit the school and speak with students about his experiences and knowledge.  Bringing an author to the school inspires the desire to read, discuss and analyze books.  In his books, this writer opens a new world of diversity, culture and history for students. Through his visit, he further motivates students in their journey through literature.


Grade Level National Geographic Ladder Reading Sets (Insta-Grant):  $2,500:  National Geographic has created a laddered approach to leveled readers in order to differentiate text for a shared learning experience. This Ladder Book Series is divided into grade level content and then written in three different levels, enabling teachers to teach the same content to the whole class while providing students with individualized reading level content. These texts align with the Common Core Standards for literature, informational reading and informational text writing.


Teaching Non Fiction Writing Skills Workshop (Insta-Grant): $2,500:  Judith Hochman will conduct a seminar for H.C.C. language arts teachers about writing instruction.  Her philosophy and techniques enhance how teachers instruct writing, especially non-fiction, which is essential to the Common Core and the new standards students are expected to master.  She focuses on evidence-based writing strategies, but demonstrates the use of voice and rich language.  She believes that teaching writing across the curriculum will enhance every student’s potential.  



Me on the Map:  This grant creates a child-friendly map of Armonk for first graders to utilize in their core curriculum study. The map will feature local points of interest, as well as a compass rose, map key, grid, scale, index of important locations, streets, bodies of water, and other landmarks. The map will be available on an interactive SMART Board® Notebook file. Many of the locations will be “clickable” and link to a photograph and blurb about the place of interest - $3,150

FUNdations Reading and Writing:  This grant funds materials and training for full implementation in 3rd grade. This expands the highly successful program already utilized in all K-2 classrooms which were previously funded by BHEF grants. In an age-appropriate manner, Fundations® ensures the teaching of the necessary early language skills using a systematic and hands-on approach - $11,108

Windows on the World Library Collection:  This grant provides a collection of books encompassing historical fiction, biographical and factual informational texts, along with authentic multi-cultural texts showing alternate points of view and themes. The themes presented in these books promote higher level thinking skills and align with the Common Core Curriculum, with the goal of enhancing critical analysis, synthesis and comparisons between texts. This collection will be kept separate from the general collection of books in the Wampus library - $4,102

SuccessMaker®:  This grant funds a two-year license for SuccessMaker, a multimedia program that provides collaborative and individual learning opportunities, in language arts and mathematics, for students at all levels. The program provides teachers with additional tools to offer greater differentiated instruction in the classroom.The program enables teachers to assess student needs, assign appropriate activities and measure students’ growth over time - $38,796




Coman Hill
Reading and Writing FUNdations:  The grant will fund materials and training for full implementation in 1st and 2nd grades, expanding the highly successful program introduced to all Kindergarten classrooms this school year. In an age appropriate manner, FUNdations ensures the teaching of the necessary early language skills using a systematic and hands-on approach - $30,709


HC Crittenden
"Word Play" for Language Arts Enrichment:  This grant will fund a variety of language arts games to enrich the 7th grade curriculum. The games will enable teachers to reinforce teaching and enhance concepts by engaging students in a fun, innovative way - $1,700



Upgrades to the Wampus Library:  This grant funds the purchase of 200 books on CD and acquisition of listening centers so that teachers can use this audio collection in their classrooms - $9,740

Lexia Reading Upgrade at Wampus:
 This grant provides a web-based upgrade to the Lexia: Strategies for Older Students software to help Wampus students to improve their reading and spelling skills - $6,000

Byram Hills HS
Electronic Reading Devices:  The purchase of electronic reading devices – "E-Books" – will begin as a pilot program to help 11th grade special education students improve their reading and comprehension skills - $8,384

Flip Mino HD Digital Camcorders for the HS English Department:
  Ten Flip Mino camcorders and tripods will be purchased with this grant, enabling English students the ability to review and reflect on their public speaking skills for self-assessment and personal growth - $2,150


Coman Hill
Reading Curriculum Enhancements:  With this grant, LitLife consultants will be able to continue their work with K-2 teachers to develop richer, more effective reading lessons and strategies to aid struggling readers while fostering higher level thinking skills for the more fluent readers - $14,070 


Coman Hill and Wampus
Read Naturally Software Edition:  Software for reading comprehension - $23,243

Enhancements to Wampus Science Curriculum:  This grant funds the purchase of electronic data collection probes and scopes for the Wampus Science curriculum, enabling students to collect various data (e.g., motion, pH, moisture, and temperature), download and graph the data for analysis, and record still images of the data - $9,864

HC Crittenden
Books on CD Library:  Books on CD and CD players - $5,189

Grammar for the Real World:
  Software package with network license - $3,730



Science / Math


Internet of Things, BHHS ($1,929): This grant funds Arduino microprocessor kits for use in various computer science classes, physics labs and engineering classes. The devices can be used to teach abstract mathematical principles as well as practical electronics. Generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Place-based Experimental Learning, BHHS ($2,426): This grant funds navigational and measurement tools to enable students to determine their own position on earth using sextants and surveyors.



Solar Telescope, BHHS, $1,518:  This grant funds a specialized astronomical telescope capable of direct solar observations with the astronomy, earth science and physics classes, as well as the astronomy club, giving students more hands on experience and opening up new and innovate ways of studying the sun. This grant is generously supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund and the BHHS Class of 1977.

Vex Robotics Competitions, BHHS ($2,497): This grant funds resources for the robotics science elective courses. This grant is generously supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Motion Cameras for Study of Ecosystems, BHHS, $1,862:  This grant funds motion triggered cameras for students studying biodiversity surveys, wildlife studies, and other environmental science topics. This grant is generously supported by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.



2015 – 16

Vernier Data System, BHHS: $2,497: This grant funds ten (10) Vernier LabQuest Mini Data Interfaces, sixteen Differential Voltage Probes and eight (8) Current Probes to be used for new programs in the physics, applied engineering and other applications in STEAM education. Physics students will use these devices for electronics explorations, utilizing the interfaces and probes to understand the characteristics of electrical and mechanical devices. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.




Robotic Tools for Student Evaluation (Insta-Grant): $420:  This grant funds two robotics platforms for developing a robotics components curriculum for inclusion in the math, science, and ultimately STEAM Initiatives at BHHS. The grant will be used to evaluate two robotics kits in order to determine which would be best suited for a larger scale rollout for students. This grant is generously funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 

Utilizing a Portable Electroencephalogram (EEG) in Science Research: The EPOC+(Insta-Grant): $2,500:  
This grant funds a portable EEG device for use by students in the Authentic Science Research Program, as well as biology, psychology, statistics, health and other curricular areas. The device enables students to collect, synthesize and analyze data related to electrical impulses that come from the brain, and to use these results for original research and/or existing curriculum. This grant is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 

Cubelets Educator Robotics Kits for STEAM Integration at Coman Hill ($2,396) and Wampus ($2,396) (Insta-Grant):  This grant provides educator sets of Cubelet Robotic Block Kits that introduce STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) concepts in the second and third grade technology curriculum. Students can combine a host of sensors and action blocks to build their own robotic creations. The Cubelets will provide play-driven learning opportunities to integrate STEAM lessons. Both Coman Hill and Wampus Insta-Grants are funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund. 



Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Engineering Design: $9,382:  3-D printing is a technology that is revolutionizing how we think about design and building. This grant develops a stronger connection to the elements of design and manufacturing engineering as part of a strong science curriculum. By providing an advanced engineering component to the physics and design classes, this grant enhances a student’s connection to abstract ideas. 3-D printers also connect to many requirements for the next generation science standards (NGSS), which are being adopted nationally as students are asked to apply their understanding toward engineering applications. Ultimately, 3-D printers are expected to have a broader impact on the entire student body. This grant is funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Robots for Introduction to Computer Science (Insta-Grant): $2,200:  This grant funds robotics equipment used to demonstrate the connection between computer hardware and software, helping students focus on conceptual ideas of computing and understand why certain tools or languages might be utilized to solve particular problems. This grant funded by the Debra Leipman Yale Memorial Fund.


Mobile Apps and Programming Tablets (Insta-Grant):  $2,249:  This grant funds eleven (11) Samsung Galaxy tablets as a pilot program for the Introduction to Computer Science and AP Computer Science courses. As part of this grant, students will use the App Inventor program to create their own mobile apps and upload them to the tablets.




IXL Math (Insta-Grant): $2,500:  This grant adds IXL Math to the Passport grant awarded this year.  IXL Math is aligned to the Common Core and will increase the home-school connection, allowing for “anytime learning.”


SMART™ Document Cameras (Insta-Grant): $2,097:  This grant funds three SMART Document Cameras for the mathematics department that enable students to display and project problems and solutions, then save in the SMART Notebook. The cameras may also be used with manipulatives for use exclusively with the SMARTboard. 



Me on the Map:  This grant creates a child-friendly map of Armonk for first graders to utilize in their core curriculum study. The map will feature local points of interest, as well as a compass rose, map key, grid, scale, index of important locations, streets, bodies of water, and other landmarks. The map will be available on an interactive SMART Board® Notebook file. Many of the locations will be “clickable” and link to a photograph and blurb about the place of interest - $3,150


Probe Pilot Extension:  This grant extends the use of Probeware to all grade levels at Wampus. The Vernier LabQuest™ displays scientific data in a way that elementary students can easily understand. The Probes incorporate data-loggers, sensors, experiments and graphing/analysis software for students, helping develop future scientists and engineers - $7,705


Weather Station:  This grant funds the implementation of the Vantage Pro2™ wireless, solar powered weather station on the roof of the Wampus School. The visual tools in the Console/Receiver and the Weather Link software will clearly display data, making it easy for students to compare local weather to other places around the world. Students can graph the temperature and dew points, measure wind speeds, then create graphs, calculate totals and averages, generate summaries, and analyze trends in weather patterns - $3,488


SuccessMaker®:  This grant funds a two-year license for SuccessMaker, a multimedia program that provides collaborative and individual learning opportunities, in language arts and mathematics, for students at all levels. The program provides teachers with additional tools to offer greater differentiated instruction in the classroom.The program enables teachers to assess student needs, assign appropriate activities and measure students’ growth over time - $38,796


SMART Document Cameras™ and Mixed Reality Cubes: SMART Document Cameras allow teachers to project sharp, vibrant images onto the SMART Board which can then be both manipulated and saved for future use. The mixed reality feature allows students to interact with 3-D images to foster deeper engagement and understanding during a unit of study. The cameras and cubes will be installed in all classrooms at Coman Hill - $21,220



Coman Hill
Walls That Teach: This grant brings a dynamic, creative and totally “hands-on” element to Coman Hill, enabling students to beautify their school hallways. Students from each classroom will work with a professional artist to brainstorm ideas and participate in the design and painting of curriculum-based murals which will adorn the school hallways. The goal is to foster a sense of collaboration and community among all students, generate excitement and school pride, while creating beautiful, lasting works of art - $9,711


Lego Education for Introductory Robotics: This is a pilot grant for Lego Education WeDo Construction sets to be used in 4th grade technology Encore at Wampus. The lego sets will provide an introductory experience to robotics based on their science unit of simple machines - $4,106

Musical Theatre A – Z:
 This grant provides a yearlong musical theater project for the entire 4th grade at Wampus. The funds will provide materials for creating sets, original “home-made” lighting instruments and costuming, while introducing students to new technologies like digital cameras, sound systems and editing software. This is an exciting, cross-curricular, collaborative, hands-on learning experience - $5,5135


Performance and Multimedia Facility: This grant will help equip the Wampus cafeteria/stage area with the type of high quality multimedia/technology presentations that have become a regular part of the Byram Hills culture. This project will complement equivalent multimedia facilities in all of the other Byram Hills schools and brings the BHEF total; expenditure for up-to-date performance and multimedia facilities to more than $200,000.00 - $69,684

Byram Hills High School

TI-Nspire Navigator: This grant provides funds to purchase nine TI-Nspire classroom navigator systems and the associated computer software for use in the high school math classes. This state-of-the-art system coordinates and accentuates the power of the TI-Nspire calculator, allowing students to wirelessly receive lesson documents and instant assessments and to send responses back to the teacher instantly. The system will increase classroom efficiency, while enhancing both students’ technological literacy and mathematical concept development - $36,940


Coman Hill
Sustainability Education: This grant enables three teams of K-2 teachers to participate with other Westchester school districts to design interdisciplinary units of study that address a democratic society, global economy, and an environmentally healthy future - $29,100 

Enhancements to Wampus Science Curriculum: This grant funds the purchase of electronic data collection probes and scopes for the Wampus Science curriculum, enabling students to collect various data (e.g., motion, pH, moisture, and temperature), download and graph the data for analysis, and record still images of the data - $9,864

Byram Hills High School
WebAssign Software Licenses for Science Classes: This web-based program, which is used at many major universities, integrates directly with the subject area text books or other resources and allows teachers to assign individual problems, customize an assignment to an individual student, and allows students to collaborate to solve problems - $5,513

High-Definition Cameras for the Physics Curriculum:
 Eight cameras with High-Speed and High-Frame-Rate features will be purchased with this grant, enabling Physics teachers to expand the depth and breadth of their lessons - $3,860


Sustainability Education at Wampus: This grant provides $51,900 to enable six teams of Wampus teachers to participate with approximately ten other Westchester school districts to design interdisciplinary units of study that address a democratic society, global economy, and sustainable future. The current grant facilitates the development of a consistent and cohesive curriculum for Grades 3, 4, and 5 that will provide the foundational skills for HCC students. 


Coman Hill
ETA Cuisenaire VersaTiles: VersaTile labs for Grade 5 classrooms - $6,599

HC Crittenden and BHHS
Exploring Mathematics with TI-Nspire Technology: TI-Nspire handhelds and software - $15,362



Social Studies


Me on the Map:  This grant creates a child-friendly map of Armonk for first graders to utilize in their core curriculum study. The map will feature local points of interest, as well as a compass rose, map key, grid, scale, index of important locations, streets, bodies of water, and other landmarks. The map will be available on an interactive SMART Board® Notebook file. Many of the locations will be “clickable” and link to a photograph and blurb about the place of interest - $3,150


Windows on the World Library Collection: This grant provides a collection of books encompassing historical fiction, biographical and factual informational texts, along with authentic multi-cultural texts showing alternate points of view and themes. The themes presented in these books promote higher level thinking skills and align with the Common Core Curriculum, with the goal of enhancing critical analysis, synthesis and comparisons between texts. This collection will be kept separate from the general collection of books in the Wampus library - $4,102

'Power of One Day' at H. C. Crittenden: This grant will enable HCC Middle School to continue its successful 'Power of One' program, in which students attend workshops on human rights and social justice - $11,000 

'Rachel's Challenge' Program: With this grant, 8th graders have the opportunity to participate in this acclaimed program designed to motivate positive changes in the way students treat one another and themselves - $3,800 

HC Crittenden
Power of One Day:
 This grant provides $7,500 to expand the Power of One Day program at the H. C. Crittenden Middle School. This program focuses on Human Rights and Social Justice, and the funds will pay the fees for speakers and enable sixth and seventh grade students to attend workshops on pertinent US and World issues.

Reading / Writing
Phys Ed
Guidance / Special Ed
Social Studies


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