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How are BHEF grants determined?

Byram Hills teachers and/or administrators may apply for BHEF grant funding. Each grant application is reviewed by the BHEF Grant Review Committee and is assessed using specific criteria. The Grant Review Committee - made up of up parents, teachers, the Superintendent and one representative from the Board of Education - reviews all applications and recommends grants to the BHEF Board of Directors. Grants approved by the BHEF Board are submitted to the Superintendent who refers them to the Board of Education for consideration and approval. 

What do BHEF grants pay for?

BHEF grants fund innovative programs and equipment that enhance learning and personal development that are not covered by the District’s operating budget. Click here for detailed information about grants by school and discipline. 

How long does a grant receive funding from the BHEF?

Grants are awarded typically for no more than two years, although some grants may be approved for funding for a third year. Many grants are so successful that they are absorbed into the District’s operating budget following the grant funding period.


Does BHEF pay for teacher salaries or facilities expenses?

BHEF grants do not pay for operating budget expenditures, such as teacher salaries or facilities expenditures.

Does BHEF support athletic programs?

BHEF grants may fund programs or equipment related to the physical education curriculum; however grants do not pay for extracurricular athletic programs.


How can I support the BHEF?

An individual, family or business may support the BHEF in a number of ways:  by joining one of our Leadership Circles, by making a General Donation to the Annual Appeal, by buying Teacher Appreciation Cards to recognize a teacher, retiree, coach or loved one, by supporting our events with your attendance or with an Auction donation or purchase, by hosting a reception to introduce your friends to the BHEF, or by volunteering to help with various BHEF efforts throughout the year.


I already pay so much in taxes, why should I support the BHEF?

The ‘school tax’ paid by residents of the Byram Hills School District funds the operating school budget as approved by voters each spring. BHEF grants pay for programs and equipment that are NOT covered by the school budget. BHEF grants enable teachers and administrators to extend the curriculum even further by providing exciting learning opportunities for all children in the district. 


Can I make a donation designated for a specific teacher, grade, department or program?

No. All donations to the BHEF go into a general account for future grant allocation. Donations made in one year will be used for grants awarded and implemented in following year(s). 

What size donation is appropriate?

The BHEF welcomes donations of any amount. The Byram Hills faculty greatly appreciates the generosity of those who support the Foundation. Every student in every school throughout Byram Hills benefits from this generosity. 


Are donations to BHEF tax-deductible?

Yes. BHEF is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations are tax-deductible as permitted by law. 


Can I make a donation to the BHEF in honor of a teacher, coach, graduate or loved one?

Yes. When making an online donation, follow the instructions for making a gift in honor or in memory. If sending a donation by check, please enclose a letter with the honoree’s name and contact information. The BHEF will also notify the honoree or other designee about the donation.  

What is the difference between the Annual Appeal and the Spring Event?

The Annual Appeal is the fall fundraising drive for the BHEF. The Spring Event raises funds for the BHEF through ticket sales, donations and auction sales. Families and businesses are welcome to support the BHEF through one or both of these efforts, or any other fundraising activities conducted by the BHEF throughout the year. 


My company has a matching gift program. Can my donation to the BHEF be matched?

Yes. The BHEF welcomes matching gift donations from employers. Please contact your company’s matching gift administrator for additional information.

Can I donate securities or include the BHEF in my estate planning?

Yes. The BHEF welcomes gifts of securities and inclusion in estate planning. Please contact our office at 914.273.4381 x1 to discuss in greater detail.


Who serves on the BHEF Board of Directors?

The BHEF Board of Directors is made up of parent volunteers, a teacher representative from each of the four schools in the district, two representatives from the Board of Education, one representative from the PTSA, and the Superintendent. 

How are members of the BHEF board of directors determined?

The Superintendent appoints four teacher representatives; the President of the Board of Education appoints two representatives; the PTSA Executive Committee appoints a representative; and the BHEF Nominating Committee recommends parent volunteers who are elected by the current Board of Directors. Parent volunteers may serve for up to two three-year terms. Parents interested in serving on the BHEF Board of Directors may contact for additional information.


Can I volunteer to help BHEF if I am not on the board of directors?

Yes. The BHEF often seeks volunteers to host events or help with fundraising, auction, marketing, writing or the Spring Gala. If you are interested in contributing your time, please contact


PO Box 872   •   Armonk, NY 10504   •  •   914 273 4381 x1

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